Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snow Ordinary Sunday

Well, we had quite a bit of snow today.
They only did sacrament meeting for church.
We let the boys go out and play in the snow since 24" of snow is not a typical occurance. It also allowed me to help some of my neighbors get out of their houses.
I spent most of the day shoveling walks, driveways, alley entrances/exits etc so people could get out when they needed to. We're supposed to get hit with another bit of snow this evening.
Some of the neighbor dads shoveled snow and made a snow mound/cave tunnel.
The kids had fun on it for a while.

Sadie is about 24" tall, so you can see how much snow there was.
The pile behind her is the fresh snow on the ground and not the stuff shoveled off of the sidewalk. It was windy, so some of the drifts got up to 4' high against some people's houses.

Below is a typical pile of snow from a very small driveway.
We had to get creative with where we put the snow.
We only have about 2 feet on each side of our driveway before you hit a vinyl fence.
I did not want to pack a lot of snow against the fence, so I opened the gate to our back yard and now there is a similar pile in our back yard.
I'm going to be very sore tomorrow.


db said...

yeah, but you're all SHORT!! No, really, how deep was the snow?

Lael said...

I'm glad you finally received your fair share of all this winter snow. Hope your back wasn't too sore on Monday!

Kristi said...

you're little Sadie is so adorable. I love when you post pics of her. Have fun in the snow!